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Hexonic - Contact


Call or write


HEXONIC Sp. z o.o.
82-100 Nowy Dwór Gdański
ul. Warszawska 50

Share capital 7 035 000 PLN, VAT ID: PL5840251681, REGON 001311624, KRS 0000060528, District Court Gdansk-North in Gdansk

Hexonic Headquarters

Select the department you want to contact with

Andrzej Otta
Sales Director of Hexonic Group
Marian Baran
Sales Director
Marek Domaradzki
Business Development Manager
Anna Bigus
Customer Service Manager
Jadwiga Chojnacka
Sales Specialist Export Department
Mateusz Luedtke
Technical Sales Support Manager
Robert Mikołajczewski
Technical & Commercial Specialist
Aleksander Adamovich
Technical Sales Support Engineer
Vitali Kuhta
Process Engineer
Michał Trzmiel
Technical & Commercial Specialist
Karina Farinade
HR Department Manager
Emilia Podlecka
HR Specialist
Paulina Strzałkowska
HR and Paymant Specialist
Iwona Trzaskawka
Chief Accountant
Accounting Department
Emilia Wroblewska
Head of Marketing & Communication
Communication and Marketing Department
Izabela Piontek
Purchasing Manager


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