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New JAG- JFF-075

Hexonic - New JAG- JFF-075

New JAG- JFF-075

Our product range is constantly expanding, offering ever more diversification and versatility.

Not only are our existing product series extended, but we are also introducing entirely new ones.

The successfully introduced JAG line of plate and frame heat exchangers now includes the new JFF family with DN200 (8″) ports.

The extended range of available exchanger models offers our customers even more choice and better customization options for adapting solutions to the individual needs of their processes.

As the first design in the new line of plate and frame exchangers, we present JAG JFF-075.

Wherever optimization, compact design, small footprint and ease of installation are important, the JFF-075 is the perfect choice.


Through its design, this exchanger is perfect for use in oil systems and during phase transition processes, such as steam condensation.


Do not hesitate and check out the full range of JAG heat exchangers on our website at