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Privacy policy

I. Personal data

§ 1

1. In order to use the services offered at, the User must complete the appropriate form where he/she is asked to provide certain personal data, which can also be provided at a later time.

2. Providing personal data by the User is voluntary but necessary to use the services offered through the website Without providing the personal data required by the Administrator, it will not be possible to provide these services to the User.

3. Any personal data that the User provides in the registration form, in the correspondence with Hexonic Sp. z o.o. and other personal data collected during the User’s use of the services offered through the website are processed in a manner consistent with the requirements set out in Polish law, and above all the Act of 29.08.1997 on the protection of personal data (text unified: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182, as amended) and the Act of 18.07.2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422).

4. Moreover, from 25/05/2018 personal data will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC, hereinafter referred to as “RODO”.

§ 2

1. The administrator of personal data is Hexonic Sp. z o.o. (Warszawska 50, 82-100 Nowy Dwór Gdański, tel. +48 55 888 55 00,, hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”.

2. The administrator of personal data may entrust the processing of these data to another entity based on the contract entrusting the processing of personal data.

3. The administrator informs that the recipients of personal data will be: entities providing the hosting of website and entities dealing with its IT security.

§ 3

1. The User has the right to access their personal data and may verify or correct it, as well as delete it, by sending a relevant request to the Administrator.

2. From 25/05/2018, the User will also have the right to limit the processing and the right to transfer personal data. If personal data are processed in a manner that is not compliant with legal requirements, then the User will have the right to place a complaint with the supervisory body.

3. From 25/05/2018 the User will also have the right to object to the processing of personal data, including objection to processing for purposes of direct marketing.

§ 4

1. The Administrator processes Users’ personal data to the extent necessary to conclude, execute and terminate the legal relationship, the subject of which is the provision of services offered through the website Users’ personal data provided in correspondence with the Administrator are used to provide the User with a response and for marketing purposes of promotion of the Administrator and its services.

2. The legal basis for the processing of personal data will be from 25/05/2018 art. 6 par. 1 lit. b and art. 6 par. 1 lit. f RODO. The legitimate interest of the administrator is marketing of own services.

§ 5

The Administrator, based on the additional and optional consent granted by the User, has the right to send marketing information to him or her via e-mail addresses or telephone numbers. The consent referred to in the preceding sentence may be revoked by the User at any time. In the event of such consent, the legal basis for the processing of personal data will also be art. 10 of the Act of 18.07.2002 on the provision of electronic services and art. 172 of the Act of 16.07.2004. Telecommunications Law.

§ 6

Personal data will be processed for the time needed to provide services to the User by the Administrator and after the completion of their provision for the time needed to demonstrate the correctness of the Administrator’s responsibilities to the User. This period corresponds to the length of the period of limitation of claims. Personal data processed in conducting marketing activities will be processed during the time of their administration by the Administrator or until the User’s objection to further processing of his/her personal data for marketing purposes, or until the withdrawal of consent to be sent the marketing information to an e-mail address or telephone number.

II. Cookies

§ 7

1. The administrator uses cookies (cookies), that is small text information, stored on the User’s end device (eg computer, tablet, smartphone). Cookies can be read by the Administrator’s computer system.

2. The Administrator stores cookies on the User’s end device and then gains access to information contained in them for the following purposes:

  • for the proper functioning of the website and especially for maintaining the session after logging in
  • for adjusting the offered services to the User’s preferences
  • to remember individual preferences of the User
  • for marketing purposes,
  • for statistical purposes
  • about analytical

§ 8

1. The Administrator also informs the Users that it is possible to set up a web browser in a way that prevents the saving and storage of cookies on the User’s end device.

2. The Administrator also indicates that the cookie files may be deleted by the User after they have been saved by the Administrator, through appropriate browser functions, programs used for this purpose or through using appropriate tools available within the operating system.

§ 9

The Administrator informs the Users that changing the configuration of the web browser, which prevents or restricts the storage of cookies, may limit the functionality of the services provided. The deletion of cookie files during the provision of the service may lead to similar effects.


III. Data contained in system logs

§ 10

The information that is contained in the system logs in connection with the general principles of making calls on the Internet are used by the hosting company servicing the website only for technical and statistical purposes.


IV. Technical means used by the Administrator

§ 11

The administrator applies the current technical data protection regulations required to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data sent electronically by unauthorized persons.


V. Others

§ 12

Due to the nature of services provided via the website, the User is not able to use the services anonymously or using a pseudonym.

§ 13

The administrator will also register the computer’s IP number through which the User will use the website The administrator, based on the location associated with the IP number, will optimize the content of the website to be best suited to the User’s needs.

§ 14

Please send all the questions and opinions regarding the privacy policy applied by the Administrator to