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Production of milk involves cooling, pasteurizing, fermenting, drying and storing products in a suitable temperature.

Key issues in milk production are improving system performance, ensuring gentle treatment of milk and obtaining a higher quality end product.

Pasteurization is a process in the dairy industry that consists in the thermal processing of milk in order to minimize the presence of disease-bearing microbes in the product. This requires safety and hygiene, as well as efficient heat exchange. In the dairy industry, heat exchangers are used as pasteurizers. They are used to heat the milk to 74°C–95°C (depending on the product) and maintain this temperature for 15–300 seconds. Then the product is cooled down to the fermentation temperature (38°C). After fermentation, milk is cooled down to the packaging temperature 4°C–20°C. The cooling device may be a simple plate heat exchanger which pre-cools the milk.

A wide range od Hexonic heat exchangers are a key component of dairy industry processes such as pasteurization, fermentation, milk collection, storing, CIP system washing.