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Brazed plate heat exchangers with a double-wall system are designed for installations where it is crucial to help protect fluids from mixing and quickly detect any potential leaks.


The SafePLATE exchangers with a double-wall system are intended for systems where it is crucial to help protect media from mixing and quickly detect any possible leaks.

The SafePLATE exchangers have been designed for applications requiring high heat exchange efficiency, where it is crucial to help prevent the working media from mixing in case of internal leakage. Such leakage, although very unlikely, may result from corrosion or hydraulic impact in the system.

In such case the specially designed double wall layout and a slot on the side surface of the exchanger leads the leakage outside, which allows for its quick visual detection and undertaking appropriate preventive measures.


  • Double wall system – hepls to prevent potential mixing of working media
  • Quick detection of internal leakage – leading the leakage outside
  • Long-term life span – made of corrosion resistant stainless steel
  • High performance and compact size

SafePLATE configuration

enables easy detection of leaks and minimizes disruptions resulting from system issues.


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